Racing, Web Development, Photography, and Beer...Stuff that matters.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So now that I've got a "blog"

Now that I have a "blog" I guess I'll start posting a little bit of stuff here.

Primarily, I'm going to use this to keep track of my racing addiction, but I also want to use this to retain some of the neat code snippets and other info that I learn over time.

Most recently, I started playing around and discovering jQuery. What a sweet library. Its fairly compact, and as they imply, it makes DOM manipulation very easy. I wrote a few scripts of my own for JS motion and fading, but I realized that I'm trying to reinvent the wheel here and decided to use jQuery's instead.

I also happened upon thickbox (Thanks Corey!) and really liked it. It does basically what lightbox does, but less code and less "crap". There are a few features of lightbox that I liked, so I wrote my own versions of them on top of thickbox. I'm going to use my version of it on here to revamp my very poorly setup photo gallery, and also through my blog for images.

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