Racing, Web Development, Photography, and Beer...Stuff that matters.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"Project fatass"

So my parents just "got" me the NutriSystem package after calling me fat for the last year or two. Guess I'll turn this into Project Fatass and see what I can do. I weighed in this morning at 224.0 and started the diet. I also have my plan to get back to "fighting shape". I've been playing soccer and tennis and just realizing that I'm way out of shape compared to where I've been in the past. Few years of sitting at a desk and playing with cars I guess :)

The nutrisystem is pretty cool so far. Good amount of food, but spread throughout the day, so you are not hungry. I think the main goal is showing you how much to each, and by liming the amount, making sure you don't overeat. Also, splitting up your food categories, so you get enough of everything. One of the first things I've noticed, is I don't eat much dairy and veggies at all. This plan has me do 3-4 servings of dairy/protein a day.

I'm also going to take the next season off of soccer and tennis and hit the gym and mountain bike to get some strength and endurance. I'll be back with a vengeance for the spring season :)

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